Welcome to Pamshealthyway.com, my virtual practice with video consultations via Healthie, a HIPAA-compliant, secure online portal. This convenient way of meeting is called “telehealth”. No more traveling to and from appointments; no more paying for transportation or a babysitter for your little ones or having to leave home or work. We can chat on your lunch break, while you’re sitting on your couch at home, or even while you’re taking a walk! Plus you can stay connected and feel supported between appointments via secure messaging.
To learn more, schedule your Free Discovery Call by contacting me at the email below :
My Healthie platform allows you to request appointments, keep a photo or written food journal, track metrics (weight, waist circumference, blood pressure, etc.) and upload relevant health records and lab reports from your physician to help me design nutrition recommendations specific to your particular health needs and conditions. All this can be done on your computer or phone via the Healthie app.
In my work, I target awareness of personal needs and fitness to help you develop the knowledge and behavior change required to improve your overall health and wellness condition.